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All UN missions
28 January 2010 - Afghanistan and its donor community face a dilemma that demands to be resolved: how to channel foreign aid through the government’s budgetary system that lacks the capacity to properly administer such expenditure.
KABUL - Afghan female activists travelled to London to voice their dissent and ask to be invited to the talks.
LONDON - Sustained peace and stability in Afghanistan are what the international community was seeking when it met in London at the end of January to move forward the international effort to help the country.
NEW YORK - War-torn Afghanistan is an unlikely tourist destination, but there is hope that its World Heritage sites and the first national park can attract tourists and help the local economy.
KABUL - Security Council Resolution 1325 calls for governments to include women in peace negotiations but, 10 years down the line, this is still not happening and Afghan women are determined to get their foot in the door.
27 January 2010 - A Security Council committee has removed five men from the United Nations list of those subject to sanctions in connection with Al-Qaida and the Taliban, including a former foreign minister of the ousted Taliban regime in Afghanistan.