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NANGARHAR - The public awareness campaign for the forthcoming elections is continuing in Jalalabad in Nangarhar province and in the surrounding districts.
13 June 2009 - Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission has announced the final list of candidates for the presidential and provincial council elections due to be held on 20 August.
14 June 2009 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), Kai Eide, has met with Presidential candidates Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in separate meetings to discuss the election process.
15 June 2009 - Across Afghanistan a huge outreach programme is moving up a gear as hundreds of thousands of people start to hear about the forthcoming elections.
KABUL - Large billboards, posters and all kinds of publicity materials are starting to decorate the famous corners of the streets of Kabul as the elections race gets underway.
KABUL - The official campaign period for Afghanistan’s presidential and provincial council elections starts today.
Forty one presidential hopefuls and more than 3,000 candidates for provincial council seats are competing for the 20 August elections.
KABUL - It’s not an easy job being Sidiqullah Tauhidi these days - as head of Afghanistan’s Media Commission he’s been clocking up the miles, flying from one city to another.
KABUL - As the campaign period for the 20 August elections kicked off last week, Kabul-based newspapers called on candidates to ensure a peaceful campaign period by unveiling their platforms instead of hitting each other.
20 June 2009 - It’s not an easy job being Sidiqullah Tauhidi these days - as head of Afghanistan’s Media Commission he’s been clocking up the miles, flying from one city to another.
KABUL - For decades Afghans made up the world’s largest refugee population with up to eight million living outside Afghanistan.