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All UN missions
14 August 2009 - In many ways, history is unfolding in this hastily-assembled office in a residential apartment in Kabul's Kolola Pushta neighbourhood.
13 August 2009 - In exactly seven days Afghans will go to the polls to elect their next president.
KABUL - Thousands of Afghans in the country’s West will benefit from a donation by the Government of Japan to the World Food Programme (WFP) for the purchase of food.
12 August 2009 - Insecurity is having a serious impact on preparations for Afghanistan's upcoming elections, especially for women, according to a United Nations report released Sunday, which added that despite attacks and threats, Afghans are eager to take part in the polls.
9 August 2009 - Afghanistan’s most popular singer, Farhad Darya today called on his countrymen and women to actively participate in the upcoming presidential and provincial council elections.
9 August 2009 - The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan said today that he was concerned that the insecurity around the country will affect the turn-out of voters for the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections.
KABUL - The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan said today that he was concerned that the insecurity around the country will affect the turn-out of voters for the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections.
KABUL - A total of 30 out of 41 presidential candidates participated in pre-election television roundtables conducted by the Media Commission between 29 July and 6 August.
7 August 2009 - While much of the current international attention is on the upcoming elections in Afghanistan, there are a number of humanitarian issues still facing the country, a senior United Nations official stressed today, adding that lack of access is a major impediment to aid efforts.