HELMAND: Civilian casualties rising in last 2 months, says local police chief

23 Jul 2012

HELMAND: Civilian casualties rising in last 2 months, says local police chief

HELMAND - Helmand Police Chief Mohammad Nabi Ilham told a press conference yesterday that the number of civilian casualties, caused by IEDs and roadside bombs planted by the Taliban, has reached to 81 dead and 110 injured in Helmand province in last two months.

Mr Ilham said police have also detected and defused around 350 roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices in the mentioned period. This amount of explosives is huge as compared to the past, he said.
Mr Ilham claimed that several Taliban attacks in Musa Qala district were foiled during the reporting period, while 156 insurgents were killed and 40 others were detained by the security forces in different parts of Helmand province.

Source: RTA Kandahar