15 Sept 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz features the work of three Afghans working for peace and positive changes in the country. The programme highlights the importance of promoting a culture of peace for development and a prosperous future.
UNAMA is strengthening its partnerships with radio stations across Afghanistan and supporting efforts to provide information on issues you care about.
As a result of this expansion of support to local radio, UNAMA ended production of the Afghanistan Emrooz weekly programme in December 2016.
Thank you for listening.
Afghans working for peace and positive change - Part 1 (Pashto)
Afghans working for peace and positive change - Part 1 (Dari)
13 Sept 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz features the work of three Afghans working for peace and positive changes in the country. The programme highlights the importance of promoting a culture of peace for development and a prosperous future.
Afghans who overcame their disabilities (Pashto)
06 Sept 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz highlights the situation of people with disabilities who have overcome their personal challenges to be active in professional and social life.
Afghans who overcame their disabilities (Dari)
06 Sept 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz highlights the situation of people with disabilities who have overcome their personal challenges to be active in professional and social life.
Migration and its effect on Afghanistan (Pashto)
1 Sept 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz highlights challenges the country faces as a result of migration and other population movements. This programme explores the current situation and efforts by the government and development partners to provide support to those affected.
Migration and its effect on Afghanistan (Dari)
30 Aug 2016 – This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz highlights challenges the country faces as a result of migration and other population movements. This programme explores the current situation and efforts by the government and development partners to provide support to those affected.
Inclusive democratic processes in provinces and districts (Pashto)
25 Aug 2016 – In this week’s Afghanistan Emrooz programme, several people share their experience of being a part of decision-making process in their provinces, districts and villages, as individuals or members of civil society organizations, and describe how their participation resulted in changes in their communities.
Inclusive democratic processes in provinces and districts (Dari)
23 Aug 2016 – In this week’s Afghanistan Emrooz programme, several people share their experience of being a part of decision-making process in their provinces, districts and villages, as individuals or members of civil society organizations, and describe how their participation resulted in changes in their communities .
Professional women and other women active in public life (Pashto)
18 Aug 2016 - This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz focuses on professional women and other women active in public life who are breaking social stereotypes and bringing changes to their communities.
Professional women and other women active in public life (Dari)
16 Aug 2016 - This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz focuses on professional women and other women active in public life who are breaking social stereotypes and bringing changes to their communities.