Press releases

  • 08 Mar 2012 - NEW YORK - Gender equality and the empowerment of women are gaining ground worldwide. There are more women Heads of State or Government than ever, and the highest proportion of women serving as Government ministers. Women are exercising ever greater influence in business. More girls are going to school, and are growing up healthier and better equipped to realize their potential.
  • 27 Feb 2012 - KABUL - Following an attack on its office in Kunduz, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is relocating its international staff to put in place additional arrangements and measures to make sure that the office can continue to operate in safety.
  • 25 Feb 2012 - KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) deplores the attack on its compound in Kunduz, northeast Afghanistan. It thanks the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and notably the police for its timely response and regrets their casualties. Although caused by legitimate defense, the United Nations also regrets the casualties among the demonstrators and expresses condolences to the families of those who lost their lives.
  • 21 Feb 2012 - KABUL - Ján Kubiš, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Afghanistan, met with Maulawi Qiyamuddin Kashaaf, the Chairman of the Ulema Council of Afghanistan, this afternoon.
  • 20 Feb 2012 - NEW YORK - Over the past year, the winds of change have swept across the globe. Citizens by the millions have voiced their discontent around similar themes: inequality, corruption, repression and the absence of decent work. At the heart of this mass mobilization lies a call for social justice.
