Press releases

  • 20 Mar 2013 - KABUL - As the people of Afghanistan gather to celebrate the special occasion of Nowruz, I would like to send you my very best wishes for this new year and my congratulations for the progress made so far on the path to peace and stability.
  • 11 Mar 2013 - KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns the two suicide attacks carried out by anti-government forces on 9 March 2013, which resulted in the deaths of at least 19 civilians, including nine children, and the wounding of at least another 31 civilians.
  • 08 Mar 2013 - KABUL - As we observe the International Women’s Day, government representatives and activists are gathered at the United Nations in New York for an international gathering on ending violence against women. The message is clear: A Promise is a Promise – Time to take Action on Ending Violence against Women and Girls.
  • 07 Mar 2013 - KABUL - In this historically significant year for Afghanistan, two important political processes are underway that will determine the success of the country’s future stability: preparations for the 2014 elections and the dialogue on national reconciliation. They will succeed only if the voices and concerns of women are heard. When given a chance to participate in political life, women have proved to be effective at peace making and peace building.
  • 07 Mar 2013 -  KABUL - In this historically significant year for Afghanistan, two important political processes are underway that will determine the success of the country’s future stability: preparations for the 2014 elections and the dialogue on national reconciliation. They will succeed only if the voices and concerns of women are heard. When given a chance to participate in political life, women have proved to be effective at peace making and peace building.
