Press releases

  • 22 Nov 2016 - KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes today’s appointments to electoral commissions. This signals a new phase in the rebuilding of trust in the electoral institutions and process. 
  • 21 Nov 2016 - NEW YORK - The Secretary-General condemns today’s attack in Kabul targeting civilians gathered for worship. The suicide bombing at a mosque where Shia Muslims had gathered follows two similar attacks last month. Attacks deliberately targeting civilians exercising their right to freely practice their religion are clear violations of fundamental human rights and international humanitarian law.
  • 21 Nov 2016 - KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns today’s attack at the Baqer-ul Ulom mosque in Kabul that killed at least 32 civilians and injured more than 50 others, many of them children. A suicide attacker detonated his body-borne improvised explosive device at the mosque, killing and maiming worshipers from the country’s Shia Muslim community.
  • 11 Nov 2016 - KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan condemns last night’s attack against civilian residents of the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif.
  • 06 Nov 2016 - KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is currently investigating allegations that at least 32 civilians were killed and a further 19 injured in air strikes in Kunduz city last Thursday.
