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  1. UN chief 'profoundly concerned' about continued violence in Afghanistan

    25 September 2012... YORK -  As the high-level debate at the United Nations General Assembly began today in New York, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was “profoundly concerned about continu ...

  2. Following audit announcement, Kubiš congratulates Afghan Presidential candidates on statesmanship

    12 July 2014... KABUL - The top United Nations official in Afghanistan congratulated late Saturday night the two candidates in the ...

  3. Secretary-General's remarks to General Assembly high-level meeting on youth

    26 July 2011 NEW YORK - The UN General Assembly today convened a high-level meeting with youth from around the ...

  4. All eyes on the Afghan elections

    22 July 2009 KABUL - Afghanistan is headed towards a new beginning in its history. ...

  5. Latest Statements of the Secretary-General's Special Representative

    9 July 2015 KABUL - The latest statements of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General for Afghanistan.   ...

  6. All eyes on the Afghan elections

    22 July 2009 22 July 2009 - Afghanistan is headed towards a new beginning in its history. ...

  7. Statement from Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of UNAMA

    21 August 2024... KABUL - Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) issued a statement today marking the International ...

  8. Press conference with UNAMA Spokesperson, Aleem Siddique

    25 May 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit and Dr Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA Strategic Communicati

  9. General Assembly opens with focus on global goals

    28 September 2015... NEW YORK -  The President of the General Assembly today challenged the United Nations to generate the political ...

  10. General Assembly renews its support to Afghanistan's reconstruction efforts

    9 November 2009... NEW YORK - The United Nations General Assembly on Monday has called for renewed support to the Afghan ...
