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  1. Violence against Afghan women widespread and unpunished, finds UN report

    9 July 2009... - Violence against women, including rape, is widespread in Afghanistan, according to a new United Nations report, which details the extent ...

  2. UNAMA Year in Review July 2009: Election preparations and an Afghan climbing record

    30 December 2009... KABUL - July was election-preparation month for Afghanistan, with UN envoy Kai Eide calling for a stop to the interference by ...

  3. UN-backed anti-narcotics panel calls for ‘concrete action’ to address Afghan drug problem

    5 March 2014... of United Nations drug control conventions has urged Afghanistan – the world’s largest producer of opium – to trans ...

  4. Afghan Police Officers receive for the first time an illustrated Code of Conduct

    26 February 2014... KABUL -  A new booklet containing Afghanistan’s first Code of Conduct for its national police force will soon ...

  5. High-level UN delegation led by the Deputy SG calls on Afghanistan’s de facto Taliban authorities to reverse course on recent decrees limiting women’s and girls’ rights

    20 January 2023... NEW YORK - On behalf of the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, the Executive Director ...

  6. UN report urges Afghanistan to recruit female teachers locally to boost girls’ education

    29 January 2014... are “urgently needed” to boost the education of girls in Afghanistan, which has the highest level of gen ...

  7. Arts festival in Kabul: A platform for young Afghan talents to exchange artistic and musical ideas

    5 May 2013 KABUL - Qais Shaqasi fell in love at a family wedding some five years ago.

  8. Nargis radio giving a voice to women

    9 September 2009 9 September 2009 - Until a few years ago, a handful of people had total influence over the way most women in the eastern Afghan hub of Jalalabad should live.  

  9. Afghanistan’s critical elections

    13 July 2009... major military offensive underway, the current situation in Afghanistan is the most complex we have experienced for m ...

  10. Afghanistan’s critical elections

    13 July 2009... major military offensive underway, the current situation in Afghanistan is the most complex we have experienced for many years. ...
