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  1. Security Council discusses political situation in Afghanistan

    19 September 2014 KABUL - The toll of Afghanistan’s ongoing political impasse and the need for the formation of a ...

  2. Transcript of weekly UNAMA press briefing

    26 October 2009 KABUL - UN agency highlights and reaction to questions on the forthcoming presidential election second round from UNAMA spokesperson Aleem Siddique.

  3. Press conference with UNAMA Spokesperson, Aleem Siddique

    26 October 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit and Dr Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Strategic Communication and

  4. International Women’s Day Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality

    8 March 2016... KABUL - The United Nations in Afghanistan celebrates today International Women’s Day, which is being marked ...

  5. UNAMA Year in Review December: Agencies deliver aid to to vulnerable Afghans

    4 January 2010 KABUL - The UN envoy to Afghanistan Kai Eide called for a “transition strategy” in Afghanistan, ahead of a new US plan for the country announced by President ...

  6. Young Afghan singers highlight importance of music for their country’s future

    19 August 2013... BAMYAN - A music concert organized last week in Afghanistan’s central Bamyan province to mark International Youth Day (12 ...

  7. World famous photographer joins UN Mission in Afghanistan for peace

    5 August 2009 5 August 2009 - For someone who has been in the business for over 45 years, travelled to most war zones, and clicked nearly a million photographs, Tim Page conveys unusual amounts of enthusiasm.

  8. Reforms needed to ensure justice for women victims of violence

    18 April 2015... -   Access to justice for women victims of violence in Afghanistan needs to be strengthened, a ...

  9. Information note on UN Security Council visit to Afghanistan

    15 January 2018... Council undertook a visit to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan from the 13th to 15th of January 2018. ...

  10. Press conference with UNAMA, UNESCO and UNICEF

    20 April 2009... Ayoagi, UNESCO Country Director, Gopal Sharma, UNICEF Deputy Representative and Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA Strategic Communication ...
