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  1. Panellists in UN-backed TV debate call for transparency, accountability

    18 September 2016 ASADABAD - The vital role of provincial councils in promoting transparency and accountability in local government was stressed at a UN-backed TV debate in Asadabad, the provincial

  2. UN-supported HIV services target drug-addicted women and Afghans in Iran

    22 March 2009 KABUL - The United Nations drug control agency has signed agreements with the Government of Iran to provide HIV prevention and care services to women and Afghan refugees there who

  3. Empowering women in Khost essential, say panellists at UN-backed event

    12 July 2016 KHOST - Increasing women’s engagement at all levels of Afghan society will empower them, involve them more in community decision-making and improve their access to rights, panellis

  4. Baghlan programmes provide platform for voices on peace

    31 January 2019 PUL-E-KHUMRI - In an effort to help the yout

  5. Logar community leaders forge ties to foster development, improve public services

    24 September 2019 KABUL  - Effective coordination between government officials and the communities they serve will lead to improved public services and better development initiatives, stressed Logar

  6. 67 countries sign new arms treaty which seeks to end ‘free for all’ nature of weapons trade

    4 June 2013 NEW YORK -  Sixty-seven countries signed a United Nations treaty that aims to regulate the trade of conventional weapons across international borders, on the day it opened for si

  7. Afghan Chief Executive calls for UN reforms to tackle unprecedented range of crises

    28 September 2015 NEW YORK - Warning that the world faces a host of mainly human-made threats, Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah today called for United Nations reforms to deal speedily and e

  8. Peace and development discussed during UN Zabul meetings

    25 October 2015 QALAT - The peace process and infrastructure development were among the topics addressed by a UNAMA team during a series of meetings with local authorities and community representa

  9. Education key to ending violence and advancing women’s rights say participants

    5 November 2018 JALALABAD – Providing women with access to education, reducing poverty and promoting human rights are among the most sustainable ways of eliminating violence against women said par

  10. Women’s contributions key to societal advancement, say UN officials

    13 March 2016 BAMYAN  - The key role of women in the advancement of Afghan society was celebrated at an event in central Bamyan province last week.
