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  1. Community leaders take stock of peace-building efforts in the southern region

    15 January 2019 KANDAHAR - A group of community leaders from Kandahar and neighbouring districts came together to take stock of and draw lessons from past and on-going peace initiatives in the sou

  2. Paktya province celebrates Pashto poetry

    24 May 2010 24 May 2010 - “Come, let us flee together, my love – let us leave the problems for the old greybeard to solve.”  

  3. UNHCR assists IDP families in Balkh

    13 August 2012 BALKH - The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Provincial Department of Repatriation and Refugees (DoRR) have begun distributing humanitarian aid packages to about 450 families who

  4. Growing links between crime and terrorism the focus of UN forum

    17 March 2011 16 March 2011 – Highlighting the growing nexus between global criminal acts, including drug trafficking and money laundering, and terrorism, a top United Nations official today called for boosting

  5. Paktya’s provincial governor speaks up for public’s right to know

    26 June 2016 GARDEZ - Open and transparent government is a key public right, Paktya’s provincial governor, Nasratullah Arsala, said at a UN-backed ‘good governance’ event in south-east Paktya p

  6. UN officials meet with Zabul leaders on local peace, development

    21 November 2018 QALAT  - To discuss Zabul’s latest economic development plans and local peace initiatives, UNAMA’s Kandahar regional office organized a series of meetings with civil society members

  7. Afghan opium production nearly halved, UN report finds

    1 October 2010 KABUL - Afghan opium production has decreased by almost 50 per cent this year, the United Nations said in a new report released today, while cautioning that rising prices on the gl

  8. New radio partnership extends civic programming to remote Panjshir communities

    17 March 2016 BAZARAK - A new partnership between a central Panjshir province radio station and UNAMA will kick off over the next three months with a series of broadcasts on justice and rule of

  9. Safety of journalists and press freedom vital during peace talks

    5 November 2020 KABUL – The Afghan Journalists Safety Committee (AJSC) and the United Nations jointly-hosted a conference today in Kabul with media, government and civil society to mar

  10. UNAMA condemns killing of 19 civilians in pressure plate IED incidents

    2 October 2016 KABUL  - UNAMA condemns two improvised explosive device (IED) detonations on civilian vehicles in recent days that killed 19 civilians in Helmand and Badghis provinces.
