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2 February 2009 - I am deeply saddened by the news we have received today from Uruzgan province of a bomb attack at a police centre in Tirinkot that has left many dead or wounded.
KABUL - This morning's terrorist attacks in Kabul targeted people and institutions committed to building a better future for the country.
5 March 2008 - We share the concern of Afghan people over the controversy that has been created by the publication of the Danish cartoons and the Dutch film.
29 April 2008 - UNAMA strongly condemns this morning’s suicide attack in Khogiani district of Nangarhar province whose principal victims were reportedly civilians. We share the outrage of all Afghans at such indiscriminate targeting of innocent people.
NEW YORK - The Secretary-General notes the challenges that Afghanistan and the international community have faced in 2007, and is thankful to all those Member States contributing troops and assets to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force and in
15 January 2008 - The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest possible terms the attack against the Serena Hotel in Kabul yesterday, which killed at least eight people and injured a number of others, both Afghans and internationals.